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Forgot Login Password?

In a private deployment environment, if you forget the login password for HAP and have not integrated email or SMS services, you can reset the password by checking the verification code in the logs.

  1. Click [Forgot password?] in the login page, enter your account and click [Get Code], if you have been prompted that the verification code failed to be sent, you can ignore this step first and check in the next step.

  2. Log in to the server and copy the following command to the machine where the HAP microservice is running to view the verification code.

    docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep community | awk '{print $1}') bash -c 'source / && log log | grep "verification code"'
  3. After checking the verification code, copy the code to the page and continue to reset your password.

If you can't get the verification code in the microservice container by the above command, it is usually due to incorrect account entered.

If you forget your account, you can go to MySQL and check the account table:

  1. Access to the microservice container

    docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep community | awk '{print $1}') bash
  2. Log in to MySQL

    mysql -h sc -uroot -p123456
  3. Check the account table

    SELECT MobilePhone,Email,CreateTime,Status FROM MDProject.Account;